We can assist in Vat. registration, alongside helping you with different schemes.
Value Added Tax
Vat is a tax charged once your business entity turnover reaches £85,000 in a twelve month rolling period.
At Optimal Accountancy we can assist in the registration for Value Added Tax.
Charging and reclaiming the correct amount of vat is important to all businesses entities and the calculation needs to be completed on a regular basis along with accurate record keeping.
Recent legislative changes mean that reverse charge vat is becoming common place between main contractors and sub contractors which can complicate matters and lead to cash flow issues.
A number of vat schemes are available as well as different charging rates. This can be complicated our dedicated team can assist in helping you decide what scheme is most applicable to you and what rates should be charged on goods and services.

Full circle accountancy support for your needs
If you'd like to speak to us about our VAT service, click the button to get in touch today.